Answer First, Zero Defect & The Consultant are happily sitting in their semi-retirement home in a small village off the road to a National Park in India's Silicon Valley. It has been an uneventful sabbatical from the murky world of consulting. But how did this happen?
Cue Music... (Pink Panther Theme. Pardon the obviousness of the choice). The background cuts to montages of 'decks', conference calls where the three consultants find something better do to (in one famous example, sleep), bad laptops, debriefing sessions and intercontinental flights. Close up shot of airline food that fades to black & white.
And... CUT. Present.
Answer First morosely chews on an unlit fag, "Do you chaps ever consider getting back to the ol' life?"
Zero Defect remembered himself between comparing paint swatches and sofa fabric for the hearth, "Uh? Kind of..." He remembers the portentious words he typed on his slides with the entire life of companies hanging in the balance.
The Consultant pipes up, "Of course. I am not sure I have any skills to survive in the real world anyway."
All three ex-consultants look at each other and shudder at the thought of the real world.
The Consultant adds shrilly, "I know that the TV series was bad and all, but..."
By now, Zero Defect has collected his thoughts and uttered the final say, "Of course, we're going back to save the world... "
Cue Music- Mission: Impossible Theme.
We never said that we were creative, did we?
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